Thursday, December 31, 2009


I am so excited now!!! because today is the 1st day of 2010~~01/01/2010!!!!!!!!
Last night i was having party with my hometown friends~~chui shui group and i had a lot of fun!!!!!

At first, when i was in UPM, i was so boring n thinking about where should i go and what should i do in the last day~~31~~ of 2009. I was being fucking indecisive because i don't know whether i should go back to hometown or Genting Highlands. Because i thought that it will be very boring if i go back to hometown or just have a simple gathering.But yesterday when i found out kien joon, wei kin and siew yan they were going to Time Square for movie n shopping, i decided to meet them and follow them go back to Bentong. Cos i was so lazy to take bus hahaha!!
And luckily i had made a smart decision because I was so happy in last night party!!

It makes me realize that no matter where are you, you will feel damn happy when you are staying with friends.^@^

This will be the last gathering that i had until Chinese New Year because my new sem was just begun and i have to concentrate in my study and a lot of club's activities need to be done.

Hopefully this year will be a good year!!^@^

Happy New Year Everyone^@^

1 comment:

  1. true. it doesn't matter how you celebrate. with who is what you should matter. although i don't really like countdown parties, and i still don't like it. but seeing you have a great day, i am glad ^^

    happy new year 2010 to you. may you have a good year ahead, sun sun li li and score well in exams

    [Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot

